Notional support for organism

Food is the one kind of the nutritional support for an organism. Normally food is off animal, plant or fungal origin which has essential nutrients like minerals,vitamins,fats,proteins and carbohydrates. The substance is consumed by the organism then ingested and it is assimilated by the organism to produce energy this energy will provide way of life and also it stimulates growth of the organism.

Agriculture involvement:

The omnivorous humans have an adaptability process of the obtaining food from different sources Normally humans have a tendency to practice   and secure food by two ways either by hunting and gathering orby the process of agriculture. With the advancement of the agriculture the humans also have adapted to the agriculture life style and the diet of the human have been shaped to the agriculturesetup.


In the geographical variations human have developed numerous amounts of cuisines and cutlery which are artistic additional to it various types of herbs,species,ingredients with techniques in the dishes. With the cultural mixture and force into the intranational trade with globalization the ingratiates have paved the path to the cultural origins and creating the different traditional food and practices.


Food industry:

The food industry has expanded widely with the increase in the population and the demand has made the advancing in the agricultural techniques with this to meet the demands food processing units have developed with food distribution systems.


The food system has induced itself into social and political systems as the demand has increased the major points are population growth,economics, sustainability, biological diversity, water supply and major thing in the world is access to food. This has led to many developmental policies worldwide like right to food, right to standard of living adequately with providing the adequate amount of food to one population. The development of food security which is the most accepted international policy worldwide. Many organizations and agencies which are government by different governments have come up with varied ranges of the policies to maintain the food security. The main target of all the policies is to match to pollution increase and provide adequate food to all the human and make it a hunger free world.

Summing up:

Food is the one kind of the nutritional support for an organism. Normally food is off animal, plant or fungal origin which has essential nutrients like minerals,vitamins,fats,proteins and carbohydrates. Many aspects have come in the security of the food storage world and providing timely to  meet the need of the humans .

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